Work Weeks 23 & 24: 6 Month Anniversary Edition!

Hello! It’s been another action-packed fortnight around here, and I have exciting news! Today, April 28, 2022, marks exactly 6 months since we closed on Pigeon Manor, so I proclaimed it an auspicious day to move! YES, we’re moving into our new apartment TODAY! Well, at least we’re moving the beds and appliances. The beauty of literally only moving upstairs is that it doesn’t have to be a mammoth go, but I’m hoping to get pretty much entirely moved by the end of the weekend. We’re not *completely* done with the apartment, but the roof no longer leaks, the floors are all in, and it’s down to little things we can easily do while living there. Once we’re all in, I’ll take some fancy “after” pictures for you! For now, here are pictures of my insane linoleum project! It turned out SO COOL! 

The wainscoting parts still need grout and trim (see? Little things), but we’ll get there any day now! 

Here is some major amazing yet time consuming work Paul busted out yesterday: He took the new curve in Ethan’s bedroom and the old curve with the missing trim in our bedroom and managed to piece together the wood in a way to curve it right around the walls using some extra damaged pieces we had laying around. Awesome, right? Once its painted, the seams will be invisible, but honestly, I think they look pretty awesome this way!

Oh one more thing that was incredible that happened is we got split units in our apartment thanks to the wonderful fellas at Kresge Electric! Seriously, these bad boys are incredible. Heat, A/C, and dehumidify all instantly by remote control! I’ve never felt so pampered. In our old house, we had a very temperamental coal stove that was always giving me problems. I had to constantly set alarms in my phone to remember to go down and fiddle with it when Kevin wasn’t home to baby it. (yes, it was definitely Kevin’s baby! He never seemed to have a problem with it!)  Once, I went through my alarms in my phone settings and it was just an endless list of alarms at all random times that all said things like:



“Don’t forget the fire!” 

“Remember the fire”


So yeah, I’m going to appreciate the heck out of electric heat! The conduits run on the outside of the house are ugly as heck, but once the bricks are repointed, I’ll be painting them the color of the bricks and they’ll vanish like magic.

Meanwhile, outside, the slate roof is looking INCREDIBLE and is the talk of the town! Absolutely amazing. My favorite part is how it stops the water from coming into the music room, haha. Truly it’s a work of art with all that sexy copper flashing and that green band! Once the wood trim along the top is painted and the dormers are finished, it’s going to be sooo fancy!

Here’s where they are adding the corners. Tricky business!

And here are those cool metal ridges I was talking about last week!

And here is how much farther the cute little flower bed out front is coming along. Adorable, right?

Ok that’s it for now, I gotta get moving! Literally! 


Work Weeks 25 & 26: Fine Days of May


Work Weeks 21 & 22: A Frantic(ish) Fortnight